
PhotoWebLab is an exploration in ways of presenting, combining and interacting with Photographic and VR images.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Survivor Tree, 9/11 Memorial, New York City

The "Survivor Tree", a Callery pear tree, was planted on the original World Trade Center plaza in the 1970s. After 9/11 workers found the damaged tree in the wreckage, reduced to an eight foot stump. The tree was nursed back to health in a New York city park and grew to 30 feet tall. In March 2010 the tree was uprooted by severe storms, but it survived again, and was returned to the WTC site in December 2010. This spherical panorama shows the "Survivor Tree" in the wider context of the rebuilding taking place and symbolises the power of nature and nurturing together as a living, creative and cultural response to the catastrophe.

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